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Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol

At Yeshiva Ohr Shraga Veretzky Elementary School 

1102 Ave. L  (entrance across from Pomegranate parking lot) 
Brooklyn, NY 11230

5784 Annual Dinner

View our Dinner Journal here!


Men & Women of all learning stages are welcome
Shabbat day at 11:30 - Gemorrah Shiur: Sanhedrin - Perek Hachelek Led by Rabbi Sokol
Halacha Shiur:  during seudah shelshit


The Minyan is heart-broken, grieving and in pain with our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. We pray and give tzedaka for all those who were killed, wounded, kidnapped, displaced and still being traumatized from the Shemini Atzeret pogrom and the current war.


Tzedaka organizations:


The OU Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call, 1:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday. Call-in numbers: 773.377.9170 / 480.210.2150. (See also - a live update is scheduled for Friday 10/13 at 1pm)

We are also on facebook and whatsapp.  Reach out to for invites to those groups. 


Our Community in Pictures

Shul Location:

At Yeshiva Ohr Shraga Veretzky Elementary School 
1102 Ave. L  (entrance across from Pomegranate parking lot) 
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Ask us about accessibility issues

Mailing Address:
1820 Ave. M #2322
Brooklyn, NY 11230

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785